FSMA Sanitary Transportation Deadline

Final FDA Enforcement Date for Sanitary Transport of Food & FSMA for Small Carriers – April 6, 2018

The US FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Sanitary Transportation in Human and Animal Foods full compliance date for all impacted shippers, carriers and receivers is April 6, 2018.All training, food safety transportation plans, system improvements and complete documentation must be in place by that date. More than 65,000 US companies are impacted by requirements of this FSMA rule. April 6 2018 is the final date for full legal compliance for all carriers by road or rail.

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GM Rioux

Congratulations to Gilbert M. Rioux & Fils Ltée on their FSMA, HACCP & Preventive Controls Compliance for Carriers

Gilbert M. Rioux & Fils Ltée Receives Iron Apple Food Safety Certification Meeting FSMA & HACCP Compliance Iron Apple is pleased to announce that GM Rioux, with head office situated in Saint-André, NB, has successfully implemented the Iron Apple Food Safety Compliance Program, giving them an approved Food Safety Preventive Controls Plan (PCP) that includes…

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Challenger Motor Freight

Congratulations to Challenger – Elgin Motor Freight on their FSMA, HACCP & Preventive Controls Certification

Challenger – Elgin Motor Freight Receives Iron Apple Food Safety Certification Meeting FSMA, HACCP & Preventive Controls Compliance Iron Apple is pleased to announce that Challenger – Elgin Motor Freight has successfully implemented the Iron Apple Food Safety Compliance Program, giving them an approved Food Safety Preventive Controls Plan (PCP) that includes all requirements for…

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Iron Apple Monthly Newsletter

June Edition: Importance of Using Potable Water for Trailer Cleaning & Washouts for FSMA

It is essential to be pro-active and have appropriate procedures, documents and teams in place to help protect everyone- the public, the company and yourselves. The Park Doctrine is a legal standing, which basically states that the FDA in conjunction with the Department of Justice (DOJ) can legally hold Owners, CEOs, or Senior management of companies liable if they are aware of a Food Safety issue.

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Iron Apple Monthly Newsletter

February/March Edition: Food Safety Solutions for Carriers All You Need to Meet FSMA & Shipper Requirements

Iron Apple Newsletter – Featured Content: Requirement to Have Written Food Safety Procedures in Place. For this requirement, having proper food safety policies and procedures in place will assist in controlling the chances of introducing any food safety hazards to food, either through the work environment or operational practices.  These practices and procedures are called Good Transportation Practices when handling food.  Within our solution, we provide the instructions, documents and activity tracking for each of these areas;

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CTA Announces Partnership for Iron Apple TFSP as a Solution for New Food Safety Regulations

New Food Safety Regulations Take Effect April 2016   The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are introducing new regulations, effective April 1, 2016, for the processing, storage, shipping, and transport of food products within North America. Although these regulations do not impact trucking directly, carriers’ customers will likely…

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