Everything Shippers, Brokers & Carriers Need to be FSMA Compliant: Self-Assessment Tool, Training & Solution
ATA’s Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food (STF) Self-Assessment Tool, developed in partnership with American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) and the Seneca Corporation, helps Brokers, Shippers, Carriers, Loaders and Receivers determine their readiness for implementation of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) STF final rule. Visit the website for more information: https://fsmatool.org/collections/ata
Iron Apple is proud to support the ATA in promoting the FSMA STF Self-Assessment Tool to the industry. This tool really helps motor carriers, brokers, shippers and distribution to identify areas in their business that may need to be improved upon to meet FSMA compliance.
“We are here to help the ATA and it’s members overcome any challenges when it comes to meeting new food safety requirements. We provide FSMA compliance training for drivers and operation staff, as well, a full end-to-end FSMA certified compliance solution for your company, covering all areas from warehouse to distribution.” — Hugh Latimer, COO of Iron Apple International
The FSMA STF Self-Assessment tool Provides valuable insight into your current business practices, information on what you need to do to improve current processes, and what is expected of your customers within the supply chain. In addition, the tool will provide resources assisting you in meeting the new guidelines. It will step you through each area of the rule, explain the requirements and provide an overall report with action items at the end of the assessment.
Agricultural and Food Transporters Conference (AFTC)
The Agricultural and Food Transporters Conference (AFTC) is the national organization representing motor carrier and allied members of the American Trucking Associations on critical issues affecting agricultural commodity and food transportation. AFTC’s mission is to increase the safety, security, profitability and efficiency of transporters of agricultural commodities, food, forest products and natural resources; and to serve as the advocate for its members within the American Trucking Associations and before the government, other organizations and the public. AFTC works to ensure that its members operate in a strong and profitable business environment by helping shape legislation and regulations that impact the agricultural and food transportation industry.
Iron Apple was invited to present our FSMA compliance solutions and industry best practices regarding FSMA and the Sanitary Transportation Rule to the AFTC Board & Executives at the American Trucking Association’s Management Conference and Exhibition, Sunday October 22, in Orlando Florida.
“Iron Apple is thrilled to be working with the American Trucking Association and helping their members adhere to this new requirement. We want to continue to bring awareness to the industry regarding whats happening in the market place and what solutions are available.” — Liam Thorpe, National Account Manager at Iron Apple
Topics of discussion included an overview of the Sanitary Transportation Rule, responsibilities of Carriers, Brokers, & Shippers, and what Iron Apple is seeing in the industry and from our customers’ perspective. We were also able to demonstrate how the Iron Apple solutions are being used to meet all the requirements of the Sanitary Transportation Rule.
“The MCE conference in Orlando was a great opportunity for Iron Apple to be recognized as industry leaders, but also to provide support to those companies who are struggling to meet the new food safety requirements.” — Jamie Sweet, National Account Manager at Iron Apple
Congratulations to CHOICE REEFER SYSTEMS (CRS) on Receiving Their Iron Apple Food Safety Certification.
Iron Apple is pleased to announce that CRS has successfully implemented the Iron Apple Food Safety Compliance Program and passed their yearly audit, maintaining their approved Food Safety Preventive Controls Plan (PCP) & FSMA compliance. If its food, CRS & David Brown (DBU) haul it and have been doing so for decades. The shipment of food products across Canada & Eastern Seaboard, at specific temperatures (fresh, frozen, protect from freezing or ambient), is their specialty. Please visit CRS website for more information: www.crstrucking.com
An excellent time was had at the Fall Round-Up in Jacksonville, thank you to Ken Armstrong for inviting Iron Apple to join the FTA for the Round-up event. Iron Apple had the opportunity to speak at one of the educational sessions during the Round-Up on the topic of FSMA.
“FTA members are already benefiting from our new relationship with Iron Apple. At our recent membership meeting in Jacksonville, the Iron Apple team presented on the new FSMA requirements and received rave reviews from the people in that session.” – Ken Armstrong, Florida Trucking Association CEO
Looking for Driver Specific FSMA Training? We Can Help!
- Our training meets more than the minimum requirements and does not require any additional training.
- The content is designed for everyone in the transportation industry from food safety coordinator, dispatch, safety personnel and driver.
- The Iron Apple Training portal can be accessed on any computer or mobile device. Plus you don’t need to download a 3rd party software to view content.
- Our training modules have incorporated text, visuals and voice over to help all learners get the most out of the training experience.
- We use real life scenarios and have actionable takeaway items throughout the content to increase user engagement.
- Team leaders can track the progress of all users and can confirm when a user has completed the training even when they’re on the road.