Prepare for Compliance Monitoring and Insurance with New FSMA Compliance Laws
Decoding FSMA & Food Transport Compliance:
Learn With Lindsay!
> FSMA COMPLIANCE: Take a proactive approach to reduce claims, costly insurance, waste and downtime.
Having a compliance solution in place allows your company to:
- Reduce risk and increase accountability by having a qualified 3rd party review.
- Have written procedures and agreements in place to satisfy shippers and their requirements.
- Ensure trailer design meets shipper’s requirements and makes certain that non-food items are separated from food items of the same load.
- All pertinent documentation stored online (cloud storage) via the internet to preserve data integrity and ease of access.
However, you need to keep in mind that formal written agreements and the record keeping is now being mandated, along with additional employee training. Before FSMA and the STF rule many carriers and shippers used Bill of Ladings and the Carmack Amendment to help sort out cargo loss and damage claims. Now, Carriers and Shippers can relay on the written agreements enforced by FSMA to navigate through these issues if and when they occur.
The Carmack Amendment was enacted by Congress in 1906 and has since governed carrier liability for loss shipments. Many have questioned the impact FSMA would have on cargo loss and damage claims under the Carmack Amendment. Specifically, there is concern that a failure to meet shipper/broker requirements for transportation could directly link the Carrier to adulteration of, or damage to, food products and then triggering the carrier’s liability under the Carmack Amendment, without possible further investigation. However, the final STF rule clarifies that only a failure to comply with STF rule requirements that causes the food to be “actually unsafe” will render the food adulterated and is a prohibited act under the FDA.
The good news is that these scenarios can be avoided by planning proactively with your Shipper or Carrier, and by setting reasonable temperature, sanitation and maintenance requirements within your written agreements.
Lindsay Glass
Food Safety Training & Implementation Manager at Iron Apple International
In her previous role, Lindsay spent 6 years as a Food Processing Inspector for the CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency). She has a strong knowledge of Inspection Acts & Regulations, FSEP (Food Safety Enhancement Program) and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) Systems.
Eassons Transport Ltd. Using Iron Apple’s Food Safety Program to Ensure FSMA Compliance
Eassons Transport Ltd., a Kentville-based company, has evolved from a two-truck operation predominantly transporting freight from within the Maritimes, to a company with up to 325 trucks on the road hauling primarily temperature controlled products.
With the responsibility of transporting food and food ingredients all across Canada and into the United States, having the proper procedures in place and verification has been a key factor in meeting shipper demands and staying ahead in the marketplace.
Eassons has been on the Iron Apple Food Safety Compliance program over a year now and has successfully completed their certification audit by SAI Global. The certification has allowed them to meet FSMA and the Sanitary Transportation Rule, which requires motor carriers to have; written procedures, documentation stored for a minimum of 12 months, employee training, temperatures maintained during transport, and they must ensure that the equipment is in a sanitary condition.
FSMA Food Safety Training Program
- e-Learning Solution
- Certificate of Completion
- Meets FSMA Training Requirements
- Safe Food Handling
- Recall & Traceability
- Sanitation & Pest Control
- Carriers, shippers and brokers
- Spanish and English Content
Looking for a FSMA or HACCP Compliant Solution for Your Company?
We have solutions to meet all areas of food safety compliance for owner operators, motor carriers, brokers, warehousing and distribution. Contact us today!